NTR KIPP Engineering Concept
1. Introduction:
The purpose of this document is to describe Kırıkkale IPP (927 MW) Engineering Concept for Operating Period Services that will be done by NOMAC Türkiye after PAC (29-June-2017).
Engineering concept covers all engineering topics to improve operation, maintenance, safety, maintainability, reliability and availability of KIPP.
Engineering topics either produced by NOMAC or externally (Project Company, Legislation, Market, etc.) are evaluated by NOMAC KIPP Engineering Committee, which members are Operation Manager, Maintenance Manager and HSSE Manager at least.
2. Engineering Studies:
Engineering topics accepted by Engineering Committee, are registered a subject of engineering study and Engineers and/or Technicians of NTR (depends on topics) are assigned to study and work on it and to prepare the Study Report & Justication Report.
If further study is required, it could be taken external engineering service from expert companies and/or Head Quarter Technical Team of NOMAC.
The Study Report, which is prepared by designated personnel or team, shall be a detail technical report, which comprise at least below items;
- Advantages and disadvantages,
- Investment Cost and Return Rate,
- Availability affect during construction or implementation (If outage is required),
- Investment duration and draft plan that shows investment duration,
- Influence of existing Maintenance Contracts,
- Expected Performance,
- Management of Change Form.
3. Final Evaluation and Approval:
The Study Report is finally evaluated by Engineering Committee, Revision and Correction could be made If It is required.
Final Study is submitted to PGM approval.
After PGM Approval of Final Study, the Study is presented to Respective Owner.
4. Conclusion:
After Final Approval, required budget is reserved on defined year. Then, approved Engineering Project is executed under project management approach.